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Summer in the City

Lin Manuel Miranda said it best, "There's nothing like summer in the city." Here's a look at my first few days in New York!

Airports show me no mercy. No matter what weather conditions, air traffic, or lack of scheduling issues, my flights will always be delayed. I have slept on airport floors more times than I care to admit! If you want to wait around for a flight for five hours, by all means, come fly with me...

On Sunday, I jumped up at 6:00 am, eager for my flight to the city. My bags are packed and my family and I say our goodbyes, minus all the warm, loving hugs. Sloane didn't even lift her head from her pillow to see me off. All I heard was a grunt from a mound of curly hair. My bags, big enough for a fully grown man to host a bros night in, were thrown in the trunk. Before I can even fully wake up and let my coffee work its magic, we are off to the Memphis airport.

Like I anticipated, my flight was delayed... (to be honest I just laugh about it now and grab an extra magazine) I had already gone through security, checked my bags, and sat for two hours! Luckily, my family recently moved only thirty minutes from Memphis. I called my mother, a little fired up, and we ran some errands to pass the time. Naturally, we stopped at Cracker Barrel... Nothing like some turnip greens to soften a hardened heart.

I went back to the airport, through security, and crossed my fingers that I would make this last flight to Newark. I had to be in the city to report to my first day of my internship! Thankfully, this time around was more successful than the last.

We landed around 12:30 am. Halfway asleep and slightly irritated, I caught an Uber and rode to my BEAUTIFUL apartment for the summer! The whole flight delay was worth it when I saw my home for the next two months. I met my roommate, Rick, and settled in for the night.

The next morning, I enjoyed a delightful cup of coffee and got ready for my first full day at work! This smile was quickly wiped away when I entered the subway....

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