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The Creative Process

While in Italy, I was asked to make a poster series based on my experience abroad. The series is to promote MSU's CAAD Rome program for 2020.

I created original illustration and copy for my three posters. I will walk you through my creative process and show you how I made my poster series.

I started my process with a basic concept. Travel Rome... mind, body, soul.

I knew the illustration style I wanted but was struggling with executing the style on a larger scale. It is easy to achieve this messy style with micron pens, but is more challenging when trying to make large illustrations.

I start my illustration process with India ink and a paint brush. I draw the imagery I want and scan it into Photoshop. They start out by looking like this....

And end up clean and workable like this... I went through many different versions of each object until I was satisfied with the line weight and shape.

The first poster dealt with the theme of "corpo" or body. I established a color palette and basic rules that I would follow and carry through the series. I find it best to start with one poster and follow the parameters that you create for the other two. Sometimes it is best to work on all three simultaneously depending on the project.

I was happy with the placement of my images so it was time to introduce type and body copy.

I had the initial thought of hand illustrated type. Once I placed it, the poster told me that wouldn't be the best choice.

Now that the first poster is finalized, the other two will be easier to solve.

The next poster is themed "spirito" or spirit. The first version, oof...

Second, I felt I was following the same style and theme as the first, but there was something inconsistent with my angel.

With the second poster, I had to redraw my illustrations multiple times... I finally settled on an angel I was happy with. I felt this version of the angel most closely related to the tree of the first poster.

The third poster, mente (mind), gave me the most grief. I struggled with finding imagery that would have movement to connect my three posters.

I went through many versions of illustrations for this one poster. I have a sketchbook full of random objects like cats, clothes, music notes, guitars, vespas, and patterns.

I am happy with the final result. I think that the illustrations are similar to the other two posters and tell a consistent story.

I'm proud of this poster series and I am looking forward to revisiting it during senior portfolio! It is a visual story of my time in Rome and will be dear to my heart for many years.

"MIND body soul"

"Transform your thinking into that of the Romans. Fully immerse yourself into the lifestyle of Italy by riding a vespa or admiring the neighborhood cat. Don't be afraid to adopt a new mentality and do as the Romans do."

"Travel Rome CAAD Rome Program 2020"

"mind BODY soul"

"Lace up your walking shoes and explore the ancient landscapes of Rome. While taking in the architectural beauty of Italy, get lost through winding streets of cobblestone. Let your feet lead the way..."

"Travel Rome CAAD Rome Program 2020"

"mind body SOUL"

"Reflect inward and rediscover what makes you whole. Meditate amongst a Bernini masterpiece or lift your voice in St. Peter's Basilica. Listen to where your heart guides you..."

"Travel Rome CAAD Rome Program 2020"

We were also required to keep a visual journal of our 5 weeks abroad. I'm thankful I have a visual aid to remember specific stories for my friends and family.

Thank you for walking through my creative process with me!

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