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The Windy City: Chicago

"The plan is to fan this spark into a flame"

-Hamilton, "My Shot"

The Broadway show "Hamilton" has stunned audiences and captured the hearts of many through its interesting take on history. This American musical follows the life of Alexander Hamilton, one of our nation's founding fathers, and enlightens listeners through rap music.

After being introduced to "Hamilton" a little over a year ago, it has been a dream to see Lin Manuel Miranda's masterpiece in person. My sweet friends planned a quick trip to Chicago to indulge in the magic that is "Hamilton" together!

Me (left), Katie (middle), Anna (right) in front of the theater.

Our trip started at 3:30 am when we jumped into our packed car and headed south towards New Orleans. With enough luggage for two weeks, the girls and I checked our bags, waded through security, and found our gate. We very glamorously applied our makeup in the airport bathroom because we refused to waste time in the windy city!

One flight and Uber drive later, we arrived at our fabulous hotel! The Hampton Inn Majestic is directly connected to the CIBC Theater and proved to be a wise choice!

After checking into our room, we grabbed a quick bite to eat and hit the ground running! So far, so cold!!!

We stumbled into the cutest German Christmas Market! We be bopped around enjoying the market and trying not to freeze to death... Cold is an understatement.

Slowly weighing my purse down with trinkets, Anna, Katie, and I made our way towards Macey's to meet Santa!

Not only did we escape the bitter cold, but we met St. Nick! He delivered exactly what we asked for this year, too!

That night, we made plans to meet up with the fourth party member, Grady! We had a great dinner and made our way to the John Hancock Building for after dinner drinks.

Me (left), Katie (middle), Grady (left) at Nando's for dinner.

Grady (left), Katie (center left), me (center right), Anna (right)

The Signature Room is located on the 95th floor of the John Hancock building! The view is absolutely breath taking! We had an incredible time soaking in the cityscape and pointing out different buildings we admired.

The next day, we caffeinated, bundled up, and made the trek to Cloud Gate, also known as THE BEAN!

My friends took it upon themselves to name my fur coat... Her name is Tibbi the Tibetan lamb and she was a reliable travel partner!

Frozen to the bone, we drag into brunch at Wildberry. We filled our bellies and made way to the Art Institute of Chicago!

Their Impressionist art collection is extremely impressive! I loved being able to see the paintings I have been studying for years.

Giggling like junior high girls, we start to get dressed for one of the biggest nights of our lives! We expressed our excitement over Chicago style deep dish pizza that weighed approximately that of a small child...

Because we stayed at the hotel connected to the theater, we didn't have to resemble the Michelin man walking into the show.

Our mouths dropped in amazement, tears welled up in our eyes, and in a snap, our love for "Hamilton" grew exponentially... I will never be able to describe the genius that happened on that stage in Chicago. It is a show that you MUST experience yourself!

I'm overwhelmed by the support and constant encouragement from all of you! Thank you for reading and following me in my adventures this past year! I have BIG plans for 2018, but if you have any suggestions let me know... Stay tuned!

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